Firstly, it’s a common misconception that vegetarians don’t get enough protein. They don’t consume enough protein to meet their daily requirement.

And if the vegetarian diet does not contain enough protein, how is it that our Indian wrestlers, some of whom are vegetarians, have an excellent physique and exceptional strength?  To break this myth I will list out some of the protein sources for vegetarians in India, their benefits, protein and macronutrient content, and also which one is economical.


Vegetarian foods have enough protein to complete anybody’s protein requirement.

It is just that the vegetarian sources of protein are not lean protein, which means they also have either carbohydrates or fats or both in them. However, when compared to non-vegetarian sources of protein, vegetarian sources mainly excels due to its lack of saturated fat and cholesterol.

Also, the vegetarian protein sources that I will list out here will be easily available in the Indian market and which are already in the current diets of some of you.


5 Best Protein Sources For Vegetarians In India That Are Very Easily Available In The Market:

Bengal Gram-



Bengal gram(a kind of Chickpea), commonly known as Kala Chana or Desi Chana or Chana, is one of the most versatile legume because it can be consumed in various forms like snacks, curry, salad, sherbet (drink), paratha, sandwich, sweets and much more.

Roasted Bengal Gram is one of the best high protein vegetarian foods that is available in India. It is low in fat, low in Glycemic Index(GI), high in fibre, gluten-free and is inexpensive.

People consume roasted bengal gram powder, known as Sattu, with water, as a drink especially in summer because it cools the body without producing phlegm(unlike curd).


Macronutrient Profile of Bengal Gram(100g, Raw)-




Dietary Fiber-12g


Micronutrient Profile-

  1. Bengal Gram is high in Manganese, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium.
  2. It consists of Iron, Calcium, Copper, and Selenium.
  3. Also, many vitamins like Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, Vitamin A are present in Bengal gram. It is very high in Vitamin B9.
  4. This legume contains phytosterols like β-Sitosterol, Campesterol and Stigmasterol.


Note: A) Here I used the United States Department of Agriculture database to collect the data. So the nutritional profile of chickpea in the US may be different from the variety we have in India.

B) Moreover, the nutritional profile of the raw Bengal Gram differs from that of roasted Bengal Gram & roasted Bengal Gram powder i.e. Sattu.


Health Benefits-

Bengal Gram is one of the best protein-rich Indian food for weight loss due to its high protein,  fibre & low calorie content.

Other Varieties which are available in India- Chickpea(Kabuli), Green Chickpea(Desi), Black Chickpea(Desi). These varieties also have more or less the same nutritional profile.


Soy Bean-



Soy Bean or Soya Bean are one of those beans which are very common in vegetarian diets in India. In most homes, people consume it in the form of Soy Bean Chunks.

The soy bean is a legume that is one of the best alternatives to animal protein in terms of taste, as foods made from soybeans such as soy chaap can take on the flavors of meat and taste similar to meat.

It is a relative of Green Peas(Matar), Kidney Beans(Rajma) & Black Eyed Beans(Jhurga).

Moreover, it is also an excellent vegetarian protein sources that is available in India. The soy bean chunks has 52% protein content and is very economical.

The key point is that the soy bean products are gluten-free, lactose-free and vegan source of protein.

Soya Bean Chunks is the cheapest(most affordable) source of vegetarian protein in India.

Finally, soy bean is a complete protein source which means it has all the 9 essential amino acids.


Macronutrient Profile of Soy Bean(100g, Raw)-


Fats-20g (in this 90% is from unsaturated fatty acids i.e good fats)


Dietary Fiber– 9g


Micronutrient Profile-

  1. Soy bean is rich in Iron, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese & Phosphorus.
  2. It has vitamins like Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E & K. Out of these it is abundant in Vitamin B1, B2 & B9.
  3. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it contains Choline which is converted into acetylcholine in the body. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that supports brain function.
  4. Also, this protein rich legume is also a good source of calcium, potassium, selenium and zinc.
  5. Moreover, it is also a good source of  Omega-3 Fatty Acids.


Note: The macronutrient & micronutrient profile of different soy bean products are different. So choose your soy products according to your needs.

For example: If you need more protein in your diet you can go for soy bean chunks. If you like dairy products such as milk, paneer(cottage cheese) but cannot eat due to lactose intolerance, you can choose soy milk and tofu(soy paneer).


Health Benefits-


Note: Soy bean contains substances called phytoestrogens, one example being isoflavones which has been found to mimic functions of oestrogen(the female dominant hormone) but are much less powerful than actual oestrogen. Hence, the recommendation is that, to limit the soy bean and soy products consumption.

Some popularly consumed soy products in India- Soy Bean Chunks, Soy Milk, Soy Chaap, Soy Curry, Refined Soy Bean Oil, and Tofu.




Paneer, also known as Cottage Cheese, comes from India and is rightly the favorite food of all vegetarians.

When you add food acid to hot milk, the cottage cheese separates from the whey. And this cottage cheese is Paneer.

Moreover, this process is common in most Indian households. Besides, we have been doing it for centuries. The earliest references to cheese date back to Vedic times (Rig Veda).

The earliest evidence of a paneer-like substance was found in the Kushan’s period of the Common Era of Indian history.

Furthermore, paneer is an adaptable food as its taste is very mild, it can be given any flavor and used in any dish. Due to its versatility, it can be used for dinner, as a salad, for lunch and as a snack. It is even used to make desserts.


It has a biological value of 80–86%. The biological value indicates what percentage of the ingested protein can be absorbed by the body.

Paneer contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete source of protein.

It is one of the best high protein Indian breakfast food as its preparations such as paneer paratha, paneer bhurji, paneer sandwich, paneer rolls are all time classic breakfast dishes that is familiar to every Indian household.

One of the best Indian breakfast dishes, known for its high protein content, are the classic preparations like Paneer Paratha, Paneer Bhurji, Paneer Sandwich, and Paneer Rolls. These dishes are commonly served in Indian households.

What’s more, these dishes are not only delicious, but also provide a healthy start to the day. They are also versatile and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. All in all, paneer-based breakfast dishes are a popular choice among many Indians.


Macronutrient Profile of Paneer(100g)-

Carbohydrates– 1g




Micronutrient Profile-

  1. It is rich in Calcium.
  2. It is also a good source of Phosphorus.
  3. Also, it contains Magnesium and Iron.
  4. Apart from being rich in various minerals, it is rich in Vitamin B9.
  5. Paneer is a good source of unsaturated fatty acids such as PUFA & MUFA.
  6. It also has Alpha Linoleic Acid, a type of Omega-3 fatty acids.
  7. It also has Conjugated Linoleic Acid, a type of PUFA.


Health Benefits-


Other variations: There are mainly 2 variations of paneer-

1. Cottage Cheese- Paneer is unsalted & sometimes heavy cream is used to prepare Cottage Cheese.

2. Chenna– It is the precursor of paneer. When pressure is applied to chenna, paneer is formed. Chenna is often used in Bengali cuisine for making sweets.

Note: The Indian wrestlers commonly consume paneer made from buffalo milk due to its higher concentration of fat, protein, and minerals. And because of its higher nutritional content, buffalo milk paneer has a firmer and rubbery texture than paneer made from cow’s milk paneer.



Peanut or Groundnut, actually a legume & not a nut, is nutrient-dense high fat(good fats), high protein, low carb, high fibre superfood.

It is also a popular food because people use it in a variety of dishes, such as in salads, as a garnish, in breakfast recipes, rice recipes, and more.

People use peanut oil widely throughout India in different dishes whereas Indian curries have a very limited use for peanuts.

Peanut oil is one of the healthiest edible oils available in the Indian market.

Furthermore, a filtered peanut oil consists of 46% Monounsaturated fats (MUFA), mainly Oleic acid, 32% Polyunsaturated fats(PUFA), mainly linoleic acid & only 17% saturated fats.

Even the yogic sciences recommend peanuts because of their high nutritional value.. It is a complete food, and many yogis follow a complete peanut diet.

Gym people also acknowledge the importance of peanut for their  healthy fat and protein content and therefore consume them in the form of peanut butter.

All in all, it can be considered as the healthiest fat and protein rich food for vegetarians.


Macronutrient Profile of Peanut(100g, Raw)-


Fats-48g(of which 24g from MUFA, 16g from PUFA & 7g from saturated fat)


Dietary Fiber– 10g


Micronutrient Profile-

  1. It is super rich in Vitamins such as Niacin i.e Vitamin B3, Folate i.e Vitamin B9 & Biotin i.e Vitamin B7.
  2. It also contains other Vitamins like Vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, C & Vitamin E.
  3. Peanuts are a good source of Phosphorus, Manganese & Magnesium.
  4. They also contain other minerals also like Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, & Zinc.
  5. It is abundant in antioxidants such as p-Coumaric Acid, Resveratrol, & Isoflavones.


Health Benefits-



1. People with peanut allergy should stay way from it.

2. Peanuts should be eaten in moderation as they are a high-calorie food.




Amaranth, also known as Rajgira, is a super-grain that is a cousin of the celebrity-grain Quinoa.

It is one of those grains that packs a great amount of protein and is therefore one of the best protein rich food(veg) in India, containing a spectrum of nutrients.

Also, this super grain is the best grain for winters as it generates heat in the body. People mainly consume it in the form of seeds, leaves, or flour.


During fasts and Navratri, Rajgira is one of the most consumed foods. It is an essential food for those days when prolonged and slow-sustained energy is required. AV

In addition, several archeological evidences show that it is one of the oldest known grains, cultivated for 8000 years.

Rajgira is a gluten-free source of vegetarian protein which lacks the amino  acids leucine and threonine.


Macronutrient Profile of Rajgira(100g, Raw)-




Dietary Fibre-7g

Note: Cooked Rajgira has very less amount of carbs.


Micronutrient Profile-

  1. Amaranth is one of the best sources of Calcium.
  2. It is also very rich in Manganese also.
  3. This super grain packs a great amount of Magnesium & Phosphorus, while a moderate amount of Zinc, Potassium & Selenium.
  4. It is high in Folate i.e vitamin B9 & Iron as well.
  5. Also, it contains other Vitamins like Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 & B6.
  6. It also contains a very good amount of Lysine amino acid.
  7. This is the only grain which contains Vitamin C.


Health Benefits-


Other High Protein Sources For Vegetarians In India Are:

1. Oats

2. Green Peas

3. Nuts

4. Lentils & Pulses(Daal)

5. Chia Seeds

6. Guava(Jaam)

7. Spinach (Palak)

8. Sprouts like Mung Bean sprouts, Brussels sprouts.

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